dinsdag 8 april 2008

Don't Touch!

We all want to protect our papercrafts, right? Well, now there is a papercraft that will! This sign will make sure no-one touches your papercrafts! Well, actually it only stands there with the message, but I think most people will understand. 

Download Here 

By David Sakrison

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I made it, but now it just tempts people to touch my papercrafts even more XD

  2. I made it, but now it just tempts people to touch my papercrafts even more XD

  3. Dude , your works are awesome must comment!

  4. Link is.. BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. this is so aosome. now no one will touch my papercraft stuff :)

  6. Doesn't anyone else *invite* people to touch their crafts??? I do. I show them to friends and such and wait for them to look. They're like "Ah... Those are nice. (sarcasm)", then I tell them they're made from paper and they flip like "What? No way" then inspect them much closer and are stunned. But they respectfully keep their hands off.

    So I tell them to go ahead and pick some up if they want while I point out the fragile ones to not touch. It lets them be stunned a second time because even though they know it's paper now, it's still surprising to find out just how light they are.

  7. LOL, that's genius! Much better than my idea of Mr. Resetti lecturing my friends out of touching my papercrafts.

  8. Wait, are there two signs on the download? Im confused.
