dinsdag 1 april 2008

Adult Wallet & Rupees

It's all about rupees! Well, not really, but it's always nice to have some spare rupees on you. You can only have 99 in your pocket though. What to do, what to do?
Well here is your lifesaver! An Adult Wallet! Now at the low price of a red rupee! Where you can get rupees? From your printer of course!

Rupees by Twizz3985. Photo by Paperart

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Um...How do the strings tie up together?(no pun intended)

  2. kanihazcheeseburger22 januari 2009 om 20:14

    The yellow rupee link leads to an orange rupee, therefore there is no link to the yellow rupee.

  3. to bad rubees dont work in real life :) lol

  4. some instructions on how to put the strings together would be nice

  5. OMG how do you put together the rupees

  6. if only you could put the rupees in the wallet, that would be a lot cooler
