woensdag 27 december 2006
8-Bit Mario

Paper Mario Plane

via Papermario
zondag 17 december 2006
Red Pikmin

Via Gotorion
zaterdag 16 december 2006
Ness & Mr Saturn from Earthbound!
Via Gotorion, picture by Mastermind777
Mario Papercrafts
Goomba: Part 1
Shy Guy: Part 1
Boo: Part 1
Via Gotorion
Picture by Mastermind777
dinsdag 28 november 2006
'Hako' Nintendo

Luigi summersuit (why not eh?)
Legend of Zelda OoT & MM
Picture by Toni Allen
maandag 27 november 2006
NES Zapper

This is another papercraft from Ninjatoes. This time it is a large NES Zapper, that was used in many NES games. The papercraft comes in two versions (just like the real zapper), Red and Grey. Be sure to check out Ninjatoes other cool papercrafts too!
Download the NES Zapper here.
Advance Wars Tanks

I think this is the best series papercrafts I've ever made. They are from one of the best papercraft engineers in the world: Ninjatoes! I never had so much fun building any of the other papercrafts. They are tanks from the Advance Wars games Advance Wars 1, Advance Wars 2 and Advance Wars: Dual Strike. You can find all Advance Wars units on the Ninjatoes Website.
vrijdag 24 november 2006
Nintendo Gamecube
Famicom (NES) System

Download it now!
Famicom (Rapidshare)
Samus Aran Morph Ball

Samus Aran can transform into a small ball-like state, called the Morph Ball. And now it's available as a papercraft! Be aware that this is a pretty hard papercraft with all the tiny folds and all. But when finished, it will look darn cool. Download it now!
Donkey Kong arcade

donderdag 23 november 2006
Sonic & Shadow

Via Paperkraft
Gameboy Micro
And this is a Gameboy Micro. The newest model of the Gameboy Advance series.
It's not a new console, but an upgrade to the outside. Build your own paper Micro today!
And you can eventually color it in a color you like!
Grab the Gameboy Micro here!
Picture by Nintendo Fan
Harvest Moon

Cow and Dog (Rapidshare)
Super Mario Bros. Blocks

Awesome Mario level

BasiX over at http://www.wiigamer.nl/ has created a very neat Mario scene/level. And it's awesome with my Mario mini-figures! Please note: no paste strips or something. You must fix it on your own way! Mini-figures not inluded.
By BasiX
Wii & Wiimote

Wario & his car

Resetti & Tom Nook
Nook picture by thewookie, Resetti picture by Gollum999
woensdag 22 november 2006
Chokipeta Pickachu
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